Mathnasium Building

Own a Business.
Change the World.

No other franchise combines extraordinary financial opportunity with the power to change lives like Mathnasium. We earn top rankings on Entrepreneur, Forbes and Franchise Gator.

Why We’re #1

  • Over 1,000 Centers — We're one of the world's fastest-growing franchises, with new centers opening regularly.
  • Accessible Entry — Starting from AED 600,000, you're in Business.
  • Mathnasium@home — Deliver this live, web-based instructional service to reach more customers.
  • Simple Business Model — No math or teaching experience is required.
  • Soaring Demand — The global market for private tutoring services is estimated to reach $260.7 billion by 2024 (Global Industry Analysts).
  • Strong Consumer Brand — A million parents — and grandparents — have trusted us. Customer reviews show that the Mathnasium Method™ may have no rival.
  • Exclusive, Protected Territory — Built around affluent families with children.
  • Unparalleled Results — Plus a terrific value and great flexibility for busy families.
  • Huge Potential — Opportunity to open multiple locations.
  • Franchising Excellence — Franchise Business Review ratings validate our excellence in systems development, training, and support.
  • Excellent Available Territories — But not for long!

Watch our Entrepreneurs’ Stories

As you build your business, you will work alongside people who have been there before. Together, we are part of something greater, working to create a brighter future, one child at a time.