The Best Franchise Ever?

How do you rate a franchise opportunity? It used to be that in order to lead, a franchise needed to grow faster than others.
Nowadays, the quality of franchisees’ work experience matters, too. Franchisees want to feel good about what they do. They want to make the world a better place — especially for children.
Mathnasium has shown spectacular growth. But it is the combination of “doing well while doing good” that may make Mathnasium the most successful franchise — ever.
Meteoric Growth.
Mega Acclaim.Mathnasium is a neighborhood math-only learning center. Thirteen years ago, there was one Mathnasium center. Today, there are seven hundred — with one to two centers opening every week. That’s just in North America. Mathnasium centers are opening in a host of countries — stretching across three continents.
Out of thousands of franchise organizations, Mathnasium has been named in top 100 franchise lists by more than six leading business publications. The company landed on Forbes’ prestigious list of Top Franchises, as well as its list of Top Global Franchises.
On the leading franchise industry measurement — Entrepreneur Magazine’s rankings — Mathnasium scored in the category of Top Global Franchises, as well as the Top 40 Fastest Growing Franchises.
The company’s highest achievement to date is a decade-long presence on Entrepreneur Magazine’s Franchise 500 list, placing Mathnasium amid the world’s most established franchise brands.
Growing with Existing Franchisees.
Inviting New Franchisees.The best test of a franchise is the incidence of existing franchisees who want to do more. Mathnasium has one of the highest incidents of existing franchisees who leverage the success of their rst location to open an additional location, with the intention of building a chain.
Every year, Mathnasium awards franchises to scores of applicants who are new to the system.
New applicants feel a sense of urgency. Available territories for a Mathnasium center will soon be gone. With only 600 franchises available there is roughly one franchise remaining per half million people in the United States.
Might you be a Mathnasium franchisee? Mathnasium provides a simple form to request information.
Huge Demand —
Limited Competition.Mathnasium has emerged amid a perfect confluence — one that provides an ideal market condition. Demand is huge: math not making sense to kids is a global phenomenon.
Adding fuel to the crisis, universities are demanding ever higher math scores for admission.
Furious demand is usually accompanied by healthy supply. But Mathnasium’s competitors are weak. That’s because local tutors lack a proven method.
Other learning centers dilute their effectiveness — and efficiencies — by teaching multiple subjects. The result: instruction that may not meet students’ needs, often offered at a higher price than Mathnasium.
This explains why well-known learning center chains closed hundreds of centers during the same period Mathnasium opened hundreds.
The Perfect
Market Opportunity.A great market opportunity is presented when there is a wide gap between supply and demand. However, an ideal market condition is one where there is one additional factor: low customer expectations.
When this occurs, there are many customers available without challenge from competitors. Additionally, there exists the opportunity to exceed customer expectations substantially.
This sets off a restorm — an opportunity for viral growth.
Many parents believe that their children can’t excel at math. They think that math requires special “wiring”, but parents are wrong.
Almost any child can excel in math with the right instruction. Parents bring their children to tutoring out of love and duty, not expecting transformation. When they see their child (who hated math) begin to excel, they are often shocked.
It is not unusual to see parents who are emotionally overwhelmed when they see their children’s transformation.
The Right Instruction.
The Mathnasium MethodTM may be the most advanced method for teaching math ever devised.
Mathnasium teaches very differently from most. Others reach for textbooks off the shelf. Mathnasium spent millions developing tools and materials to meet each child’s individual needs.
Others teach to the child’s grade level and ignore what the child might have missed earlier. Mathnasium uses sophisticated assessment tools to determine the precise gaps that compromise the foundation necessary for a child’s success.
Others want kids to learn rules blindly. Mathnasium believes children can understand if they receive the right explanations.
Others want to force an endless diet of drill and practice. Mathnasium prescribes the precise “dosage” to achieve mastery — neither too dif cult nor too easy, avoiding frustration.
Others avoid real teaching, pretending that worksheets themselves or something on a computer can somehow teach children all they need to know. Mathnasium believes that the ultimate technology for teaching a child is a human being.
Why human beings? Because kids need attention and encouragement. They need someone to share their successes. Someone to believe in them. Someone like that one teacher who changed our lives when we were kids. An instructor who is passionate, and who really cares.
Loving What You Do.
When the right product or service meets a desperate need, the provider’s work experience is transformed. Nothing is more satisfying than making a life-changing contribution to a customer’s life.
This is especially true when that customer is a vulnerable child. Math is important because the ability to calculate and process numbers is crucial to daily life.
Additionally, math teaches thinking and problem solving, skills that stretch way beyond numbers.
But, speak to Mathnasium franchisees and you’ll learn the real reason why they wake up mornings thrilled by the nature of the work they do. Kids don’t hate math, they say. Kids hate being humiliated and embarrassed by math.
When kids can’t do math, they feel stupid. The damage is incalculable. But, take a child who thinks she absolutely won’t ever be good at math, show that child that she can actually triumph in math … and the child is reborn.
Passion doesn’t begin to describe the way that Mathnasium franchisees feel about what they do. They speak unabashedly about changing the world, one child a time.