Who are the executives who lead Mathnasium?
Mathnasium is the collaboration of three leading education and business experts:
- Peter Markovitz, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, is one of the world’s leading franchising and education services executives, having led global companies that have operated in more than 70 countries. He is responsible for Mathnasium’s strategic direction and long-term growth.
- David Ullendorff, Co-founder and President, has an extensive career of combining education with the best elements of children’s entertainment. An award-winning filmmaker and developer of children’s media, his work has been featured on television in the United States and around the world. A pioneer in the field of computer literacy for children, David co-founded global education technology company Futurekids and developed the first definitive curriculum that was used to teach millions of children in 72 countries.
- Larry Martinek, Chief Instructional Officer, has spent his entire 40+ year career in education finding a better way to teach and learn math. From inner-city public schools and acclaimed magnet schools to leading private and parochial schools, he has served as both a classroom teacher, teacher trainer and curriculum consultant. Larry is the architect of Mathnasium’s educational program — one of the most comprehensive and innovative curriculums ever produced for teaching math.
Together, these visionaries have taken Mathnasium from an idea to a worldwide educational leader in the franchise industry.
Can I open more than one Mathnasium Learning Center?
Yes. Talk with us about your plans for opening two or more centers. We will be glad to explain how you can be approved to develop additional Mathnasium centers as a multicenter franchisee. We even offer certain discounts to multiple location owners.
What is the typical profile of a Mathnasium franchisee?
We are looking for people who will be a great fit with our system: people who care deeply about helping children reach their potential and see business as a vehicle for realizing their financial goals. Our franchisees are enthusiastic, highly motivated, persistent and achievement-oriented — people who want to enjoy what they do. For some candidates, math was not their favorite subject in school. For many it was. Some once considered teaching math but were concerned with the level of compensation or feared being undermined within a hierarchical, bureaucratic school environment. Others struggled with math in school and have heightened sensitivity to the need to help children who are struggling. All are people who believe in the power of education to change lives.
What is the royalty?
Franchisees pay 15% of Gross Receipts from the operation of the Mathnasium Center within their territory.
Do I get an exclusive territory?
Yes. Each franchisee receives an exclusive territory designed so that they have an incentive to cooperate with one another and not compete for the same students.